Class: shaka.util.Error

Describes an error that happened.


new Error(severity, category, code, …varArgs)

Describes an error that happened.

This uses numerical codes to describe which error happened. Some error are caused by errors from the browser. In these cases, the error object is provided as part of the data field. System codes come from the browser and may or may not be documented. Here are some places where the errors may be documented:
Name Type Attributes Description
severity shaka.util.Error.Severity
category shaka.util.Error.Category
code shaka.util.Error.Code
varArgs * <repeatable>
  • Error


  • Error


Category :number

  • number
Name Value Type Description
NETWORK 1 number Errors from the network stack.
TEXT 2 number Errors parsing text streams.
MEDIA 3 number Errors parsing or processing audio or video streams.
MANIFEST 4 number Errors parsing the Manifest.
STREAMING 5 number Errors related to streaming.
DRM 6 number Errors related to DRM.
PLAYER 7 number Miscellaneous errors from the player.
CAST 8 number Errors related to cast.
STORAGE 9 number Errors in the database storage (offline).
ADS 10 number Errors related to ad insertion.

Code :number

  • number
Name Value Type Description
UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME 1000 number A network request was made using an unsupported URI scheme.[0] is the URI.
BAD_HTTP_STATUS 1001 number An HTTP network request returned an HTTP status that indicated a failure.[0] is the URI.[1] is the status code.[2] is the response text, or null if the response could not be interpretted as text.[3] is the map of response headers.[4] is the NetworkingEngine.RequestType of the request, if one was provided.[5] is the final URI. This may be different if the initial URI ([0]) issued a redirect.
HTTP_ERROR 1002 number An HTTP network request failed with an error, but not from the server.[0] is the URI.[1] is the original error.[2] is the NetworkingEngine.RequestType of the request.
TIMEOUT 1003 number A network request timed out.[0] is the URI.[1] is the NetworkingEngine.RequestType of the request, if one was provided.
MALFORMED_DATA_URI 1004 number A network request was made with a malformed data URI.[0] is the URI.
REQUEST_FILTER_ERROR 1006 number A request filter threw an error.[0] is the original error.
RESPONSE_FILTER_ERROR 1007 number A response filter threw an error.[0] is the original error.
MALFORMED_TEST_URI 1008 number A testing network request was made with a malformed URI. This error is only used by unit and integration tests.
UNEXPECTED_TEST_REQUEST 1009 number An unexpected network request was made to the FakeNetworkingEngine. This error is only used by unit and integration tests.
ATTEMPTS_EXHAUSTED 1010 number The number of retry attempts have run out. This is an internal error and shouldn't be propagated.
SEGMENT_MISSING 1011 number The segment is missing.[0] is the URI.
INVALID_TEXT_HEADER 2000 number The text parser failed to parse a text stream due to an invalid header.
INVALID_TEXT_CUE 2001 number The text parser failed to parse a text stream due to an invalid cue.[0] is extra context, if available.
UNABLE_TO_DETECT_ENCODING 2003 number Was unable to detect the encoding of the response text. Suggest adding byte-order-markings to the response data.
BAD_ENCODING 2004 number The response data contains invalid Unicode character encoding.
INVALID_XML 2005 number The XML parser failed to parse an xml stream, or the XML lacks mandatory elements for TTML.[0] is extra context, if available.
INVALID_MP4_TTML 2007 number MP4 segment does not contain TTML.
INVALID_MP4_VTT 2008 number MP4 segment does not contain VTT.
UNABLE_TO_EXTRACT_CUE_START_TIME 2009 number When examining media in advance, we were unable to extract the cue time. This should only be possible with HLS, where we do not have explicit segment start times.[0] is the underlying exception or Error object.
INVALID_MP4_CEA 2010 number MP4 segment for CEA data is invalid.
TEXT_COULD_NOT_GUESS_MIME_TYPE 2011 number Unable to guess mime type of the text.[0] is the text file's uri.
CANNOT_ADD_EXTERNAL_TEXT_TO_SRC_EQUALS 2012 number External text tracks cannot be added in src= because native platform doesn't support it.
TEXT_ONLY_WEBVTT_SRC_EQUALS 2013 number Only WebVTT is supported when using src=.[0] is the text MIME type.
MISSING_TEXT_PLUGIN 2014 number The compilation does not contain a required text plugin for this operation.[0] is the text MIME type.
CHAPTERS_TRACK_FAILED 2015 number The chapters track failed to load. The browser does not provide any information in this case to identify why it failed, but there may be details in the JavaScript console.
UNSUPPORTED_EXTERNAL_THUMBNAILS_URI 2017 number Only external urls of WebVTT type are supported.[0] is the uri.
BUFFER_READ_OUT_OF_BOUNDS 3000 number Some component tried to read past the end of a buffer. The segment index, init segment, or PSSH may be malformed.
JS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW 3001 number Some component tried to parse an integer that was too large to fit in a JavaScript number without rounding error. JavaScript can only natively represent integers up to 53 bits.
EBML_OVERFLOW 3002 number The EBML parser used to parse the WebM container encountered an integer, ID, or other field larger than the maximum supported by the parser.
EBML_BAD_FLOATING_POINT_SIZE 3003 number The EBML parser used to parse the WebM container encountered a floating- point field of a size not supported by the parser.
MP4_SIDX_WRONG_BOX_TYPE 3004 number The MP4 SIDX parser found the wrong box type. Either the segment index range is incorrect or the data is corrupt.
MP4_SIDX_INVALID_TIMESCALE 3005 number The MP4 SIDX parser encountered an invalid timescale. The segment index data may be corrupt.
MP4_SIDX_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED 3006 number The MP4 SIDX parser encountered a type of SIDX that is not supported.
WEBM_CUES_ELEMENT_MISSING 3007 number The WebM Cues parser was unable to locate the Cues element. The segment index data may be corrupt.
WEBM_EBML_HEADER_ELEMENT_MISSING 3008 number The WebM header parser was unable to locate the Ebml element. The init segment data may be corrupt.
WEBM_SEGMENT_ELEMENT_MISSING 3009 number The WebM header parser was unable to locate the Segment element. The init segment data may be corrupt.
WEBM_INFO_ELEMENT_MISSING 3010 number The WebM header parser was unable to locate the Info element. The init segment data may be corrupt.
WEBM_DURATION_ELEMENT_MISSING 3011 number The WebM header parser was unable to locate the Duration element. The init segment data may be corrupt or may have been incorrectly encoded. Shaka requires a duration in WebM DASH content.
WEBM_CUE_TRACK_POSITIONS_ELEMENT_MISSING 3012 number The WebM Cues parser was unable to locate the Cue Track Positions element. The segment index data may be corrupt.
WEBM_CUE_TIME_ELEMENT_MISSING 3013 number The WebM Cues parser was unable to locate the Cue Time element. The segment index data may be corrupt.
MEDIA_SOURCE_OPERATION_FAILED 3014 number A MediaSource operation failed.[0] is a MediaError code from the video element.
MEDIA_SOURCE_OPERATION_THREW 3015 number A MediaSource operation threw an exception.[0] is the exception that was thrown.[1] is the error object from the video element.
VIDEO_ERROR 3016 number The video element reported an error.[0] is a MediaError code from the video element.
On Edge,[1] is a Microsoft extended error code in hex.
On Chrome,[2] is a string with details on the error.
See top of file for links to browser error codes.
QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERROR 3017 number A MediaSource operation threw QuotaExceededError and recovery failed. The content cannot be played correctly because the segments are too large for the browser/platform. This may occur when attempting to play very high quality, very high bitrate content on low-end devices.[0] is the type of content which caused the error.
TRANSMUXING_FAILED 3018 number Mux.js did not invoke the callback signifying successful transmuxing.
CONTENT_TRANSFORMATION_FAILED 3019 number Content transformations required by the platform could not be performed for some reason (unsupported container, etc.)
MSS_MISSING_DATA_FOR_TRANSMUXING 3020 number Important data is missing to be able to do the transmuxing of MSS.
MSS_TRANSMUXING_CODEC_UNKNOWN 3021 number MSS transmuing failed for unknown codec.[0] is a unknown codec.
MSS_TRANSMUXING_FAILED 3022 number MSS transmuing failed for unknown reason.
TRANSMUXING_NO_VIDEO_DATA 3023 number An internal error which indicates that transmuxing operation has no video data. This should not be seen by applications.
UNABLE_TO_GUESS_MANIFEST_TYPE 4000 number The Player was unable to guess the manifest type based on file extension or MIME type. To fix, try one of the following:
  • Rename the manifest so that the URI ends in a well-known extension.
  • Configure the server to send a recognizable Content-Type header.
  • Configure the server to accept a HEAD request for the manifest.[0] is the manifest URI.[1] is the detected or specified MIME type.
DASH_INVALID_XML 4001 number The DASH Manifest contained invalid XML markup.[0] is the URI associated with the XML.
DASH_NO_SEGMENT_INFO 4002 number The DASH Manifest contained a Representation with insufficient segment information.
DASH_EMPTY_ADAPTATION_SET 4003 number The DASH Manifest contained an AdaptationSet with no Representations.
DASH_EMPTY_PERIOD 4004 number The DASH Manifest contained an Period with no AdaptationSets.
DASH_WEBM_MISSING_INIT 4005 number The DASH Manifest does not specify an init segment with a WebM container.
DASH_UNSUPPORTED_CONTAINER 4006 number The DASH Manifest contained an unsupported container format.
DASH_PSSH_BAD_ENCODING 4007 number The embedded PSSH data has invalid encoding.
DASH_NO_COMMON_KEY_SYSTEM 4008 number There is an AdaptationSet whose Representations do not have any common key-systems.
DASH_MULTIPLE_KEY_IDS_NOT_SUPPORTED 4009 number Having multiple key IDs per Representation is not supported.
DASH_CONFLICTING_KEY_IDS 4010 number The DASH Manifest specifies conflicting key IDs.
RESTRICTIONS_CANNOT_BE_MET 4012 number There exist some streams that could be decoded, but restrictions imposed by the application or the key system prevent us from playing. This may happen under the following conditions:
  • The application has given restrictions to the Player that restrict at least one content type completely (e.g. no playable audio).
  • The manifest specifies different keys than were given to us from the license server.
  • The key system has imposed output restrictions that cannot be met (such as HDCP) and there are no unrestricted alternatives.[0] is a shaka.extern.RestrictionInfo object describing the kinds of restrictions that caused this error.
HLS_PLAYLIST_HEADER_MISSING 4015 number HLS playlist doesn't start with a mandory #EXTM3U tag.
INVALID_HLS_TAG 4016 number HLS tag has an invalid name that doesn't start with '#EXT'[0] is the invalid tag.
HLS_INVALID_PLAYLIST_HIERARCHY 4017 number HLS playlist has both Master and Media/Segment tags.
DASH_DUPLICATE_REPRESENTATION_ID 4018 number A Representation has an id that is the same as another Representation in the same Period. This makes manifest updates impossible since we cannot map the updated Representation to the old one.
HLS_MULTIPLE_MEDIA_INIT_SECTIONS_FOUND 4020 number HLS manifest has several #EXT-X-MAP tags. We can only support one at the moment.
HLS_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE_MISSING 4023 number One of the required attributes was not provided, so the HLS manifest is invalid.[0] is the missing attribute's name.
HLS_REQUIRED_TAG_MISSING 4024 number One of the required tags was not provided, so the HLS manifest is invalid.[0] is the missing tag's name.
HLS_COULD_NOT_GUESS_CODECS 4025 number The HLS parser was unable to guess codecs of a stream.[0] is the list of all codecs for the variant.
HLS_KEYFORMATS_NOT_SUPPORTED 4026 number The HLS parser has encountered encrypted content with unsupported KEYFORMAT attributes.
DASH_UNSUPPORTED_XLINK_ACTUATE 4027 number The manifest parser only supports xlink links with xlink:actuate="onLoad".
DASH_XLINK_DEPTH_LIMIT 4028 number The manifest parser has hit its depth limit on xlink link chains.
CONTENT_UNSUPPORTED_BY_BROWSER 4032 number The content container or codecs are not supported by this browser. For example, this could happen if the content is WebM, but your browser does not support the WebM container, or if the content uses HEVC, but your browser does not support the HEVC codec. This can also occur for multicodec or multicontainer manifests if none of the codecs or containers are supported by the browser. To see what your browser supports, you can check the JSON data dumped by
CANNOT_ADD_EXTERNAL_TEXT_TO_LIVE_STREAM 4033 number External text tracks cannot be added to live streams.
NO_VARIANTS 4036 number The Manifest contained no Variants.
PERIOD_FLATTENING_FAILED 4037 number We failed to find matching streams across DASH Periods, and the period-flattening aglorithm introduced in v3.0 has failed.
INCONSISTENT_DRM_ACROSS_PERIODS 4038 number We failed to find matching streams across DASH Periods due to inconsistent DRM systems across periods.
HLS_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND 4039 number The HLS manifest refers to an undeclared variables.[0] is the variable undeclared.
HLS_MSE_ENCRYPTED_MP2T_NOT_SUPPORTED 4040 number We do not support playing encrypted mp2t with MSE
HLS_MSE_ENCRYPTED_LEGACY_APPLE_MEDIA_KEYS_NOT_SUPPORTED 4041 number We do not support playing encrypted content (different than mp2t) with MSE and legacy Apple MediaKeys API.
NO_WEB_CRYPTO_API 4042 number Web Crypto API is not available (to decrypt AES-128 streams). Web Crypto only exists in secure origins like https.
CANNOT_ADD_EXTERNAL_THUMBNAILS_TO_LIVE_STREAM 4045 number External thumbnails tracks cannot be added to live streams.
MSS_INVALID_XML 4046 number The MSS Manifest contained invalid XML markup.[0] is the URI associated with the XML.
MSS_LIVE_CONTENT_NOT_SUPPORTED 4047 number MSS parser encountered a live playlist.
AES_128_INVALID_IV_LENGTH 4048 number AES-128 iv length should be 16 bytes.
AES_128_INVALID_KEY_LENGTH 4049 number AES-128 encryption key length should be 16 bytes.
DASH_CONFLICTING_AES_128 4050 number The DASH Manifest specifies conflicting AES-128 keys.
DASH_UNSUPPORTED_AES_128 4051 number The DASH Manifest specifies a unsupported AES-128 encryption.
DASH_INVALID_PATCH 4052 number Patch requested during an update did not match original manifest.
STREAMING_ENGINE_STARTUP_INVALID_STATE 5006 number This would only happen if StreamingEngine were not started correctly, and should not be seen in production.
NO_RECOGNIZED_KEY_SYSTEMS 6000 number The manifest indicated protected content, but the manifest parser was unable to determine what key systems should be used.
REQUESTED_KEY_SYSTEM_CONFIG_UNAVAILABLE 6001 number None of the requested key system configurations are available. This may happen under the following conditions:
  • The key system is not supported.
  • The key system does not support the features requested (e.g. persistent state).
  • A user prompt was shown and the user denied access.
  • The key system is not available from unsecure contexts. (i.e. requires HTTPS) See
FAILED_TO_CREATE_CDM 6002 number The browser found one of the requested key systems, but it failed to create an instance of the CDM for some unknown reason.[0] is an error message string from the browser.
FAILED_TO_ATTACH_TO_VIDEO 6003 number The browser found one of the requested key systems and created an instance of the CDM, but it failed to attach the CDM to the video for some unknown reason.[0] is an error message string from the browser.
INVALID_SERVER_CERTIFICATE 6004 number The CDM rejected the server certificate supplied by the application. The certificate may be malformed or in an unsupported format.[0] is an error message string from the browser.
FAILED_TO_CREATE_SESSION 6005 number The CDM refused to create a session for some unknown reason.[0] is an error message string from the browser.
FAILED_TO_GENERATE_LICENSE_REQUEST 6006 number The CDM was unable to generate a license request for the init data it was given. The init data may be malformed or in an unsupported format.[0] is an error message string from the browser.[1] is the error object from the browser.[2] is a string with the extended error code, if available.
See top of file for links to browser error codes.
LICENSE_REQUEST_FAILED 6007 number The license request failed. This could be a timeout, a network failure, or a rejection by the server.[0] is a shaka.util.Error from the networking engine.
LICENSE_RESPONSE_REJECTED 6008 number The license response was rejected by the CDM. The server's response may be invalid or malformed for this CDM.[0] is an error message string from the browser.
See top of file for links to browser error codes.
ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_WITHOUT_DRM_INFO 6010 number The manifest does not specify any DRM info, but the content is encrypted. Either the manifest or the manifest parser are broken.
NO_LICENSE_SERVER_GIVEN 6012 number No license server was given for the key system signaled by the manifest. A license server URI is required for every key system.[0] is the key system identifier.
OFFLINE_SESSION_REMOVED 6013 number A required offline session was removed. The content might not be playable depending of the playback context.
EXPIRED 6014 number The license has expired. This is triggered when all keys in the key status map have a status of 'expired'.
SERVER_CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED 6015 number A server certificate wasn't given when it is required. FairPlay requires setting an explicit server certificate in the configuration.
INIT_DATA_TRANSFORM_ERROR 6016 number An error was thrown while executing the init data transformation.[0] is the original error.
SERVER_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_FAILED 6017 number The server certificate request failed.[0] is a shaka.util.Error from the networking engine.
MIN_HDCP_VERSION_NOT_MATCH 6018 number The HDCP version does not meet the requirements.
ERROR_CHECKING_HDCP_VERSION 6019 number Error when checking HDCP version.[0] is an error message string from the browser.
LOAD_INTERRUPTED 7000 number The call to Player.load() was interrupted by a call to Player.unload() or another call to Player.load().
OPERATION_ABORTED 7001 number An internal error which indicates that an operation was aborted. This should not be seen by applications.
NO_VIDEO_ELEMENT 7002 number The call to Player.load() failed because the Player does not have a video element. The video element must either be provided to the constructor or to Player.attach() before Player.load() is called.
OBJECT_DESTROYED 7003 number The operation failed because the object has been destroyed.
CONTENT_NOT_LOADED 7004 number The content has not been loaded in the Player.
SRC_EQUALS_PRELOAD_NOT_SUPPORTED 7005 number The call to preload failed, due to being called on src= content.
CAST_API_UNAVAILABLE 8000 number The Cast API is unavailable. This may be because of one of the following: 1. The browser may not have Cast support 2. The browser may be missing a necessary Cast extension 3. The Cast sender library may not be loaded in your app
NO_CAST_RECEIVERS 8001 number No cast receivers are available at this time.
ALREADY_CASTING 8002 number The library is already casting.
UNEXPECTED_CAST_ERROR 8003 number A Cast SDK error that we did not explicitly plan for has occurred. Check data[0] and refer to the Cast SDK documentation for details.[0] is an error object from the Cast SDK.
CAST_CANCELED_BY_USER 8004 number The cast operation was canceled by the user.[0] is an error object from the Cast SDK.
CAST_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT 8005 number The cast connection timed out.[0] is an error object from the Cast SDK.
CAST_RECEIVER_APP_UNAVAILABLE 8006 number The requested receiver app ID does not exist or is unavailable. Check the requested app ID for typos.[0] is an error object from the Cast SDK.
STORAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED 9000 number Offline storage is not supported on this browser; it is required for offline support.
INDEXED_DB_ERROR 9001 number An unknown error occurred in the IndexedDB.
On Firefox, one common source for UnknownError calls is reverting Firefox to an old version. This makes the IndexedDB storage inaccessible for older versions. The only way to fix this is to delete the storage data in your profile. See[0] is the error object.
DEPRECATED_OPERATION_ABORTED 9002 number The storage operation was aborted. Deprecated in favor of more general OPERATION_ABORTED.
REQUESTED_ITEM_NOT_FOUND 9003 number The specified item was not found in the IndexedDB.[0] is the offline URI.
MALFORMED_OFFLINE_URI 9004 number A network request was made with a malformed offline URI.[0] is the URI.
CANNOT_STORE_LIVE_OFFLINE 9005 number The specified content is live or in-progress. Live and in-progress streams cannot be stored offline.[0] is the URI.
NO_INIT_DATA_FOR_OFFLINE 9007 number There was no init data available for offline storage. This happens when there is no init data in the manifest nor could we find any in the segments. We currently only support searching MP4 init segments for init data.
LOCAL_PLAYER_INSTANCE_REQUIRED 9008 number shaka.offline.Storage was constructed with a Player proxy instead of a local player instance. To fix this, use Player directly with Storage instead of the results of CastProxy.prototype.getPlayer().
NEW_KEY_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED 9011 number The storage cell does not allow new operations that require new keys.
KEY_NOT_FOUND 9012 number A key was not found in a storage cell.
MISSING_STORAGE_CELL 9013 number A storage cell was not found.
STORAGE_LIMIT_REACHED 9014 number The storage limit defined in downloadSizeCallback has been reached.
DOWNLOAD_SIZE_CALLBACK_ERROR 9015 number downloadSizeCallback has produced an unexpected error.
MODIFY_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED 9016 number The storage cell does not allow new operations that significantly change existing data.
INDEXED_DB_INIT_TIMED_OUT 9017 number When attempting to open an indexedDB instance, nothing happened for long enough for us to time out. This keeps the storage mechanism from hanging indefinitely, if neither the success nor error callbacks are called.
CS_IMA_SDK_MISSING 10000 number CS IMA SDK, required for ad insertion, has not been included on the page.
CS_AD_MANAGER_NOT_INITIALIZED 10001 number Client Side Ad Manager needs to be initialized to enable Client Side Ad Insertion. Call adManager.initClientSide() to do it.
SS_IMA_SDK_MISSING 10002 number SS IMA SDK, required for ad insertion, has not been included on the page.
SS_AD_MANAGER_NOT_INITIALIZED 10003 number Server Side Ad Manager needs to be initialized to enable Server Side Ad Insertion. Call adManager.initServerSide() to do it.
CURRENT_DAI_REQUEST_NOT_FINISHED 10004 number A new DAI steam was requested before the previous request had been resolved. Only one stream request at a time is supported. Please wait for the previous request to complete before initiating a new one.
MT_AD_MANAGER_NOT_INITIALIZED 10005 number MediaTailor Ad Manager needs to be initialized to enable MediaTailor Ad Insertion. Call adManager.initMediaTailor() to do it.

createStack :boolean

If true, create a stack trace in Error objects. Disabled in tests to avoid issues with karma-jasmine. See comments in test/test/boot.js for details.
  • boolean

Severity :number

  • number
Name Value Type Description
RECOVERABLE 1 number An error occurred, but the Player is attempting to recover from the error. If the Player cannot ultimately recover, it still may not throw a CRITICAL error. For example, retrying for a media segment will never result in a CRITICAL error (the Player will just retry forever).
CRITICAL 2 number A critical error that the library cannot recover from. These usually cause the Player to stop loading or updating. A new manifest must be loaded to reset the library.

data :Array.<*>

  • Array.<*>

handled :boolean

  • boolean

message :string

In compiled mode, contains a basic message string with the error code. In uncompiled and debug modes, contains a human-readable version of the category and code as enums.
  • string

stack :string

A stack-trace showing where the error occurred.
  • string


toString() → {string}
